Monday, May 7

Yulu_ 18

I took this picture on my Friend birthday party. I love the dark background because it is very feeling.


This is a photo i took while i was helping out at the Irish step competition Marian hosts. the photo is a little blurry, but i think that it adds to the energy of the picture. this was taken indoors with no flash.


This is a photo I took of the zipper on my camera case. I like the flow of this picture because its diagonal and the zipper is a little wavy. I really like how clear the detail is in all of the teeth of the zipper. The depth of field is really small because the beginning of the zipper is in focus but the other end is not. I really like that.


I chose this photo because I thought it was taken at a cool angle. I took it in my car and got bored so i edited a couple pictures and i liked how this looked black and white. I liked it better in the sepia setting but i accidentally deleted that one and the original so I got stuck with this one, not as great but i still like it. I like how you can tell what is being done in the photo but it takes a second. If I could change one thing it would be darkening the sweater and cropping the bottom reflection of light out.

Reitter_Spring Flower

 This is a photo of a flower outside my house.  It was one of few flowers to bloom on the bush.  I like the photo because it has all of the buds in the background and is in pretty good focus.

Sunday, May 6


I saw these flowers at my grandma and grandpa's house and thought they were really beautiful. The red is so bold against the white and I really like it.


I took this photo of my sister today. It was her first communion. I really like the background and how green it looks. I also like the curve in the walk way. I think it gives the photo good flow. I also like how her white dress pops out in the photo. I think the colors are really good in this photo. I also like how its cloudy out in the photo. I took it on auto. without flash.


I took this picture friday for the Xaverian Prom. I like the composition of the photo and how they are looking in towards me. I think the photo has good lighting. I put it in this color because I liked the contrast of them against the background in the picture.


I like this picture a lot because of the focus. I also like how the brown bird stands out from the back ground. Also, its cool how you can see the detail in the bird's feathers. If i could change something, i would like better highlights in the birds eyes.

This was taken outdoors using natural lighting.

Chen_ spring flowers

I took this picture in the front yard of my house. Those flowers have such great colors and I was taking this picture on a sunny day. so the light on flowers are great. I poured a little bit water on them, so makes them feel like in the early moring with dew on. info: NIKON D90 [105mm F2.8] F8.0 1/640s ISO200 -0.3EV.


I took this photo over the weekend after it had rained. I really like the contrast between the vividness of the greens and the darkness of the ground. I also like the flow of the path and the trees leading to the center of the photo. If I could have changed something, I would have cropped out some of the bottom and zoomed in a little more.