Monday, May 7


This is a photo I took of the zipper on my camera case. I like the flow of this picture because its diagonal and the zipper is a little wavy. I really like how clear the detail is in all of the teeth of the zipper. The depth of field is really small because the beginning of the zipper is in focus but the other end is not. I really like that.


Emelia said...

I really like the flow of this photo! I also like how the top of the zipper is in focus and the lower back side of the zipper isn't, making a narrow depth of feel. Other than some negative space this is a great photo!

Jules said...

This picture has great flow! I like how the top part of the zipper is in focus and the bottom isn't. I think it makes the photo more interesting. It also is in really good focus!

JackEgizi said...

I really like this photo. I like how clear the detail in the zipper is! The photo almost looks 3-dimensional. I like how the whole frame is just the zipper and the bag it's attached to and nothing else is in there to distract.

Clara said...

I agree because I also really like the flow and focus of this picture. Thank you!