Sunday, May 6


I took this picture friday for the Xaverian Prom. I like the composition of the photo and how they are looking in towards me. I think the photo has good lighting. I put it in this color because I liked the contrast of them against the background in the picture.


james mcgarry said...

This is a cool picture! i like the color effect and the unusual but engaging pose. there is one glitter highlight on the girl's eye, though, which is a little distracting (it may just be the way it shows up on my computer, though).

Clara said...

I love this picture! I really like the color effect you put on it and I like how Jackie and Chris are positioned in it. The background is a little distracting with the house and stuff but there is not much you could've done about that.

Millie Bache said...

I love this picture. Jackie and Chris really stand out from the background. I like that there is a lamp post and a bench included in the background. Between that and the sepia color tint it looks so much like an old photograph.