Monday, May 7


I chose this photo because I thought it was taken at a cool angle. I took it in my car and got bored so i edited a couple pictures and i liked how this looked black and white. I liked it better in the sepia setting but i accidentally deleted that one and the original so I got stuck with this one, not as great but i still like it. I like how you can tell what is being done in the photo but it takes a second. If I could change one thing it would be darkening the sweater and cropping the bottom reflection of light out.


Emelia said...

I like the angle of this photo like you said! I also like how you changed the photo into black and white; I think that that makes the angles stand out more. The only thing that would have made it better is if the hands or the screen were in better focus. Otherwise, great photo!

Millie Bache said...

Thank you so much, I wish I had included the hands more as well I think the sweater takes over the picture, in a sense, and it bothers me a lot.

Jimin Chun said...

this photo has great angle of camera and nice detail. Also the black and white is great choice of this picture.