Sunday, May 6


I took this photo of my sister today. It was her first communion. I really like the background and how green it looks. I also like the curve in the walk way. I think it gives the photo good flow. I also like how her white dress pops out in the photo. I think the colors are really good in this photo. I also like how its cloudy out in the photo. I took it on auto. without flash.


james mcgarry said...

This is a good photo! i like the flow of the side walk and the vivid greenness of the picture. i think it would be better to place her in the middle of the sidewalk, though, not on the edge. overall, though, it is very appealing to look at.

Millie Bache said...

I really like this photo. the background has such sharp colors. I like that the brick walkway winds to one side, it adds movement to the photo. If I could change one thing it would be aligning her feet together and having her chin a little up more so it caught more light and faced toward the camera more

JackEgizi said...

I agree that I should have moved her to the middle of the sidewalk. The photo would have looked more aligned. I also think it would have looked better if her chin was up that would have caught more light. but I liked the greens in the background a lot.