Monday, May 7


This is a photo i took while i was helping out at the Irish step competition Marian hosts. the photo is a little blurry, but i think that it adds to the energy of the picture. this was taken indoors with no flash.


Yulu Liu said...

This is a nice picture because i like the angle for take the photo and it has really good focus.

JackEgizi said...

I like the movement/flow of this photo. I like how the little kids are like moving upwards on the stairs and the ones near the door are trying to peer in. I also like the angle at which you took the photo

james mcgarry said...

Thanks, you guys! the angle of the photo wasn't really intentional,but out of haste and neccesity. I Like the movement in it, but i do wish that the face in the center wasn't quite so blurry.

Jimin Chun said...

I like this photo about kids movements. but it is hard to figure main subject out