Monday, April 12

Sunday Post (April 11th)

I forgot to post this on Sunday. I really like how all the branches are reaching towards the sky, and the clouds are in turn leading back down to the branches.

Sunday, April 11


the only editing done to the first photo was deepening the tones. the second photo was cropped and converted to sepia. the third photo is straight from the camera.


I wish the picture was crisper, but I like how the angle makes the checkerboard pattern pop. Automatic Setting, artificial lighting.


I really like how the shoes are positioned in this picture. I also like how the shoes pop against the light blue background.

Gravity-Defying Cactus

I took this picture in Florida over Easter. It is a picture of a cactus that grew up this tree. I like the lighting and the lines of this picture.


I liked the lighting and colors and details in this picture.

Grated Window

I loved the dimension in this picture. And that the focus leads you across the photo


I like this photo because the left half is blurry and then the right half has this clear reflection. The shadows are pretty nice too. However, I think maybe I could've cropped it a little bit to focus on the reflection.


I most like the composition of this picture, like the tree is on the left of it.
I took this picture of a flower against a black tablecloth and fooled around with the colors a little bit