Sunday, January 8

Yulu_Broze Statue

I was taken this photo in CN, the focus in picture is the broze statue.I feel a little bit clutter in this picture but it is show a city culture. I took this one in HUBUXIANG, it is a best breakfast place in WuHan,and that street is very busy every morning, very crowd.That's why look like very jam.But the broze statue stand in the front of restaurant, it is very nice.

Rabinowitz_Still Life

This still life picture is of a flower arrangement my dad bought my mother. I like how the flowers stand out because of their vibrant colors against the mostly black & white surroundings. The room was fairly dark so I had to use my flash to capture this.


I took this picture after the Christmas Eve Mass at Saint Tarcisius Church in Framingham. I like that all the objects in the picture have great coloring and contrast.


I took this photo outside at night, I chose this for my "Event" photo because you can tell that its New Year's Eve. It also creates a sense of movement and noise through their expressions which emphasizes the theme of an event.


This is a photo I took of my sister's basketball game. This is a great action shot because it shows both the ball and players in motion.


I took this picture almost two months ago when I was in Boston, with out flash.

Wang_still life

I took this photo about a week ago when I was in China. I like the way the background of this picture is blur out.

Reitter_ Miscellaneous

This is a photo of my cousins dog on Christmas. He was being taunted by my cousin who had wrapping paper in his hand, so it created a good photo opportunity. I like the highlights in his eyes and nose. I just wish I wasn't zoomed in so much, so I didn't cut off the top and bottom of his head.


I took these photos on New Year's Eve. I liked how the glasses looked with the reflection from the t.v. screen so I decided to take some different photos. I like the bottom one the most because of the crispness of the glass and the wrinkles of the table clothe. If I could change something, I would have included less of the table clothe on the bottom of the second photo.


I took this photo on christmas. I like how the red in the candle is really rich and dark. i also like that the candle is offcenter. This picture is interesting to me because most flame pictures are taken from the side but I chose to take this one from above. It was taken indoors, no flash.


This is a picture I took of my very own legs when i went on a shopping spree with my cousin at a store called the "Fabric District". I was just sitting around playing with my camera when I noticed how cool a picture of my legs and feet would be with the funky tiles. One thing I dislike about this picture is that it seems as if there is more lighting on the left side of the picture than the left.


I took this picture at my track meet. I like the flow of the track and how it feels like the guys are running right at you. This was taken on action setting on my canon rebel.


This is a picture of 4 gingerbread houses from Christmas. I like how the first gingerbread house is the main focus of the photo and the others are blurred out in the background. I really liked the vibrant colors in the first gingerbread house as well.


This is a picture from my great aunt's 90th birthday. I chose this picture because i liked the soft lighting from the candles that were on the table. The lighting complemented the dark colors of the chocolate pretzels, coffee, and whites of the cup and table cloth.


This is a picture of the giant clock in my kitchen. I chose this picture as an action picture because the second hand is moving. Action and time seem to go hand in hand. I also chose this picture because I like it a lot and I just wanted to use it.


this picture is my cell phone picture because my camera battery was dead. I like this picture that the dog's eye high light is clear and the fur is the detail enough. It is indoor and without flash.


I took this photo of my cousin on christmas. It's an action shot because she is taking a photo in it. I used flash and i stood very close to her I think the flash brought out the light in her face and you can see everything, but while it helps, it makes the front of her camera look washed out, but I had to use it because it wasn't bright enough not to.

Jimin_still life (Action)

this is action picture that I was eating dinner. this picture is has good light that the yellowish. Also It is so much detail of the focus so that I like this picture. It is indoor and without flash.

Chen_ action

I took this picture in Boston. This is my first time I took pictures in Boston during the night. in this picture, i was useing a long shutter speed. info: NIKON D90 [ 10-20mm F4-5.6] F20.0 6s ISO320

Jimin_still life (Thing)

This is the still life the Thing. I like this picture about the focus the main thing and I like the light of the camera so that it look good shadow. It is indoor and without flash.

Jimin_still life (Event)

This picture is the still life event the Christmas. In this picture the doll is symbol of the chrismas and the most popular doll of the Christmas. this picture is indoor and without flash.

Jimin_the school cafeteria

I like this picture because the bottle of beverages are so detail with out the flash. Also the focus is good for the catch the main stuff. it is indoor without flash.

Jimin_The Fruit basket

I like this picture because the angle of the camera was the bottom that I see and the shadow is good enough so I choose this picture. Also it has good focus about the basket. It is indoor and without flash


I took the picture this beverages, because these are most I enjoy to drink at home. I took this picture under the stand lamp so that i can make the shadow of the these beverages. I like this picture about the highlight from lamp and the angle and the focus was nice catch I think. It is indoor and without flash