Sunday, January 8


I took these photos on New Year's Eve. I liked how the glasses looked with the reflection from the t.v. screen so I decided to take some different photos. I like the bottom one the most because of the crispness of the glass and the wrinkles of the table clothe. If I could change something, I would have included less of the table clothe on the bottom of the second photo.


Elizabeth Austin said...

At first I thought this was a still life but now I understand how this is an event. I like this picture, the glasses look really cool. This is really creative as an event picture.

Isabella said...

I really like these two pictures. The colors in it are amazing. In the first one, the lights behind the glass are quite interesting. In the second picture, I like the reflection on the glasses from the tv screen. Great work.

Jerry chen said...

This is a great still life pohto, you got a very good bokeh in the first picture, and the glass is well in foces. It shows the theme as well.