Sunday, January 8


I took this photo on christmas. I like how the red in the candle is really rich and dark. i also like that the candle is offcenter. This picture is interesting to me because most flame pictures are taken from the side but I chose to take this one from above. It was taken indoors, no flash.


james mcgarry said...

I like the perfect blackness, but how it doesn't stop the candle from showing up perfectly. the off-centerness is good, but I think it would be interesting to see it taken in two directions off the middle, instead of just one.

Trevor H. said...

The photo has a strong feeling of darkness but with the candle in the middle, it feels a little bit warmer or brighter as one stares at the photo. The deep, detailed red really helps potray warmth and darkness around the candle and showing a reflection in the candle wax shows that it has been burning for sometime. This then brings up ideas for viewers like, "what is the candle for, does it have any special meaning," but that would be so if there was no description of the photo.