Monday, April 5


This was taken with natural light. I like how the dark bottom part against the bright sky.

PSH-black flower tablecloth flat

PSH_ Black, Mirror, Flower

misc 3/4/10

this is a photograph of a table that has three painted stamps in different colors.

Sunday, April 4


I took this on an afternoon right before the sun began to set. I liked the shadows and lighting of this picture.

PSH: glowing, necklace, flower, indigo


i vacationed in the Cape over the past few days. while there, i was taking photos of a body of water because i love the light on the water as it adds texture. i wanted to take a photo that was more interesting than just water, so i waited for some seaweed to pass by. i wanted to focus on it so i made the photo have a very shallow depth of field and took the photo from a certain angle so that the sun didnt hit the area around the seaweed and take away its detail and focus.


This is a photo I took of a brick on some mulch. I like how everything is pretty much the same color, and how its all in focus even though theres not much in it. I wish the shadow of the bush wasn't on the brick, so maybe if I could've gotten this from a dkifferent angle it would have been better.

PSH- Flower, Indigo

Indigo flowers. Sorry they're late...

Olive Oil

I took this at a restaurant in natural candle light, with an ISO of 1600. I loved how the light bounced off the glass, and the olive oil and vinegar. I like the offset cut of the picture too.
I took this picture while i was in the Cape over the long weekend. I like it because i thought they were extremely interesting looking and the colors really reminded me of coastal living. they really went along with the theme of the Cape and their arrangement and colors really drew me in. 

PSH- Floating Flower on Black Tablecloth

PSH #2- flower, flat, black, mirror, float

a photo of a FLOWER, with FLAT spikes in the center, resting on BLACK fabric with its MIRROR reflection FLOATING in the background.