Friday, February 19


I chose these pictures to convert to black and white because they both had a lot of different colors in them, so they are able to show what colors look the similar shade in black and white.

Tuesday, February 16


i think this photograph looks much better in color because the color is really the main focus of the photo. it looses alot of depth when it is in black and white because the colors are moslty oranges and reds, so when in black and white they look very similar.
I think the black and white makes the picture lose most of its appeal--the colors look like similar shades of gray.

Monday, February 15

Black and White vs. Color

These pictures were taken on my hearth. I found a cool old radio and some headphones laying around my house. (in two different places) and i set them up on a background that looked more natural that wouldn't have many distracting things in the background. I changed it to black and white and i think both pictures came out the way i wanted them to.

Sunday, February 14


I put my headphones on the sofa and took this picture with no flash.

B&W vs Color Nerd Box

color nerd box into black and white. I like how the color one shows everything, but in the black in white you can see the flow of the words better. You lose pretty much all differences in color in the black in white except some darker greys. I think the words stand out better in the color, and blend in in the black in white.

B&W vs Color

I took this picture in the mid afternoon with natural light. I like the way the silver braclet looks in the black and white picture.

B&W Flowers

i took this picture at around 3 oclock when the sun was coming in through the window in my kitchen.. i like all the colors in the flowers but i also like all the detail that is within them.

Black and White World

I liked this photo because of all the color and things going on, but now that I see it in black and white, I like the composition and I notice the lighting from the upper right hand corner a lot more.