Tuesday, February 16


i think this photograph looks much better in color because the color is really the main focus of the photo. it looses alot of depth when it is in black and white because the colors are moslty oranges and reds, so when in black and white they look very similar.


Hillary W. said...

I agree that removing the color kind of takes the life out of it and makes more colors look similarly gray, but I think the black and white also takes a little away from the way the photo looks 3D as if the focal branch was jutting out towards the viewer. Also, for me the black and white kind of makes it look antique to me.

Sarah H said...

I like the color photo better than the black and white photo mainly because the colors are what make this photo interesting. This is a good photo to look at in black and white tho because it gives people a good idea of what certain colors would look like on a gray scale