Wednesday, February 17

color and black&white


Hillary W. said...

I like this picture better in color. Most of the background barely changes after you convert it, but the flowers lose the sort of "pop" they had as the only color in the picture, and they aren't the clear focal point like they are in color.

kathleen monahan said...

i love this photo in black and white. when the color version is converted to b+w, the pink flower stands out even more. because the flowers are in such good focus, they still remain the focal point even though they dont have color to make them stand out.

Paul said...

i personally like the black and white on better but it loooks less ssharp as a black and white phot.....the color one gives you shades of pink and red wheras in the black and white the roses all kind of blend together awakwardly into one not very attrative grayscale