Monday, February 15

Black and White vs. Color

These pictures were taken on my hearth. I found a cool old radio and some headphones laying around my house. (in two different places) and i set them up on a background that looked more natural that wouldn't have many distracting things in the background. I changed it to black and white and i think both pictures came out the way i wanted them to.


SammiLu said...

I like either black and white or the color. Both give different highlights to the photo, and enhance the focal point. I like it.

MeghanFarrell said...

The lighting of these is really good. I really like the black and white version. I think it makes the details pop out more.

Heather said...

I like the highlights on both photos and the angle you took this photo.

Paul said...

hands down the black and white one-the color one looks too blurry and the warm color tones seem unfitting and irregulur--the black and white crispens the focus up immeaditely and makes for a better photo