Sunday, January 13


I took this photo Sunday afternoon. It was taken with overhead light. I liked how all of the food and napkins matched and were all different shades of browns.  One thing I would change about this photo is the black line in the top right corner, where the two tables meet. I wish I could crop it out but it would of cropped out the other muffin.


Amanda Garner said...

I like this picture because of the use of color and light. The color of the food contrasts with the light shining down from the over head light. It gives the food interesting highlights and shadows. The way the food is arranged gives it depth. There is a foreground, a middle ground, and a background.

Unknown said...

I like how there are many different types of colors in the photo

carolinemcgrath said...

I think you should have pushed the food further to the side of the table so you couldn't see the large crack. I like that all the colors are warm colors. You arranged the food in a balanced way.

carolinemcgrath said...

I think you should have pushed the food further to the side of the table so you couldn't see the large crack. I like that all the colors are warm colors. You arranged the food in a balanced way.