Sunday, April 6


I took this picture a few weeks ago in Boston. I took this picture on the top floor of 53 State Street while my dad was visiting his stock broker. I was bored so i took this picture out of the office window with my phone. Thats the down side to this picture was that I used my phone and that i took it throught the glass of the window, but its still a pretty cool picture. You can see some reflection in the bottom left corner of the picture. I really like this picture in many ways too. I like that you can see Faneuil Hall and many building. I like that because its one of my favorite places in Boston to go. I also like it because you can see part of the Armenian Garden, which is a place my family goes sometimes to walk around. Overall i think i did a good job on this photo, I also cropped it to make it look like a square because i thought it looked more interesting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello! I really love this photo! I like you took this photo at the top of the floor so that the photo showed us a great scene of boston. Although you took the photo through the window but it did not really effect the photoso that I think did not matter. I think this photo could be used as an advertisement for some tourism company of Boston. In a word I like it very much!