Sunday, December 16


I took this photo Sunday after noon in my kitchen with the fruit on the counter. The wall paper in my kitchen was distracting so I leaned a yellow place mat against the wall. I used no flash and the blinds were closed. I only used the artificial light coming from the lighting fixture on the ceiling of my kitchen. I took this photo several times and got a glare from the coming from the place mat every time  The glare was the least noticeable in this picture, but it still bothers me a little.


Unknown said...

I really like this photograph because of the angle and the light colors. I like how the oranges and bananas look against the light yellow wall. I also like how the depth of field, it is much more in focus in the front of the bowl then in the back.

Unknown said...

I like this photo because the orange is in focus and nicely highlighted. And the fruit in the back are more blurry.

Unknown said...

I like the depth of field of this photo, and i like the nice higlights that it has on the oranges and the top of the bowl. I think the dark spots on the bowl do distract from the main focus point, and same for the glare on the wall in the background. I do love the whole idea, angle, and overall all photograph though.