Sunday, November 25

Dilbarian_ White Rose

I really like this picture because of how focused it is and because of the depth of feild.  if i could take this picture again, i would eliminate the negative space. 


alisonkcondon said...

I love this picture! I love how the rose is so in focus & that it is such a pretty color, on the sort of dull background. good job!

Unknown said...

I like the way the cream color of the rose contrasts against the pavement. Overall, a really pretty photo. I agree with you that, the photo would be better if some of the negative background was eliminated.

Unknown said...

This picture stands out to me because of the contrast in colors. This picture doesn't have many colors in it, but the light against the dark makes a difference. I also like how in focus the center of the rose is, the depth isn't deep.