Monday, November 19


I took this photo at a window in Marian Hight School. Karen is the model in the photo. I really like this picture because it it a silouhette type of photo. Some thing that I would do to fix would be to clean the window because it is a little bit smudgy. Also part of Karen's leg and arm is not a silouhette because you can see some details and color. 


Amanda Garner said...

I thought this photo was interesting. The use of light is different. It created a interesting shadow which created a type of silhouette. I like the way it is set up.Creative.

Unknown said...

I like the way you used the sun to create harsh lines around the silhouette. Since the silhouette is so dark the sky and trees outside the window as well as the reflection of Karen on the wall next to her caught my attention.

Anonymous said...

I love the way the sun re-flexed in the photo and it is beautifully taken!!!!Nice job Flavs!!!Really nice job with the photo.