Sunday, November 18


I took this photo in my kitchen when I was helping my mom put the groceries away. I was about to put the eggs in the fridge but when the sun hit them through the window I thought it would make for a good picture. I like the shadows and the different shades of the eggs. One thing I wish that was different would be to have the center white egg not be as over exposed as it is in the image.


carolinemcgrath said...

The way the sun was hitting the eggs created a lot of interesting shadows. I really like that about this picture. I also like the contrast between the white and brown eggs. I do think the center egg is a little too bright white, but other than that I like this photo a lot.

Amanda Garner said...

I like this photograph because of the use of natural light. The way the sun hits the egg is an interesting view on eggs. It add depth the the picture because it makes it seem as if the white egg on top is 3D.