Sunday, November 18


I took this photo of a plant that is in Marian library. I liked the color and shininess of the leaf and how detailed it was. If I could retake this photo I would eliminate the negative space in the bottom right hand corner. I took this with a Sony Bloggie with no flash. The lights in the library were on as well as light shining in from the windows.


Unknown said...

I really like the color of the leaf. The detail is amazing! It would be better if the space was eliminated from the photograph.

Unknown said...

I like this photograph because of the details of the leaf and also the color! What I'd suggest is taking a few pictures of each object you photograph so that when it comes time to choosing the best you'll have plenty of options.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like how you can see every detail on the leaf and how the light reflects different colors onto it. There are many shades of color on the leaf and it makes it more interesting!

Unknown said...

i really like this picture becasue of the detail and focus of the leaf. i also agree with you about eliminating the negative space but i overall really like this photo.