Sunday, October 11

Red Flower

I took this photo when I went apple picking. It was sometime around midday and there were hardly any cloud in the sky. What I like about this photo is that the shadow of the flower is clearly seen, as are each individual petal. I also like how parts of the petals are shaded and how some petals are folded over, giving the red flower a white touch. I think maybe I could have taken this from a different angle, or tried not to get the shadow, because while I like it, it is a bit distracting.

1 comment:

Kat Finnegan said...

The flower's color in this photo is bright and stands out againtst the green background. Maybe you could have zoomed in or gotten closer to the flower and gotten less of the green in the background though, because it is a little distarcting. Other than that, this is a great photo!