Tuesday, October 13

sleeping sarah. second post.

this is another picture of sarah representing one of my favorite things: sleeping. i am reposting another photo from this category because my previously uploaded photographs were not allowing the original size to be shown, so i am uploading a different photo that is straight from the camera, rather then an edited one.


Heather said...

i love the lighting in this photo so much.. it is warm and soft and makes me feel really comfortable.

megan mcpherson said...

The sunlight on this picture is so pretty. Its a really great shot. Sarah doesnt look very asleep though.

Lindsay Garrahan said...

this picture is really nice, but if you changed the positioning you might be able to get a more texurted shot. the sunlight is very strong and kind of washes out the color of sarahs face.

SammiLu said...

I really like this photo. She doesn't look asleep, but the shot produces a very relaxed atmosphere and the whole picture is very soft in texture.