Monday, December 10


I took this during school on Thurday before Theater Production. The ISO speed was 3200. My camera was set on the vibrant color setting and the white balance was set on the fluorescent lighting setting. I think if I had changed the white balance it could have eliminated the washed out parts in the white chords. I will be aware of that in the future.


Unknown said...

i think this picture is really well lit but all of the wires crossing kind of makes the picture look confusing

Unknown said...

I like this picture. I like the way you try to put your object in your picture: fill up the whole size of picture. You are saying, "white balance was set on the fluorescent lighting setting." Well, This is good way, but if I were you, I would use "tungsten light setting" to make the picture look little bit waker. You also set the ISO 3200. It would be better if you minimize the ISO to 1000 at least so that the quality of the picture will be better.