Sunday, December 9


I took this picture of my friend and his little brother running around tossing the football. It was sunny out and there's a foggy glare from the sun rays.  I liked this side because if i went on the other side you wouldn't be able to see the shadows as well and the motion.  I also like how the sun light lets you see details in the grass.


carolinemcgrath said...

I like how you can see the boys' shadows. This picture follows the rule of thirds because there is a layer of green grass, a layer of woods, and a layer of sky. The only thing I don't like about this picture is the glare around the boy in the green shirt.

Flavia said...

I really like this photo because of the moving boys are so crisp and not as blurry as usual moving photos sometimes are. I also like the shadows of the boys and the sun shining bright on the grass. One thing this is a bit distracting is the "smudge" in the middle of the photo especially where the boy with the football is.