Sunday, December 9


I took this photo at around dinner time on Sunday while my family was decorating the tree.  At first, when I took this picture, the lights from the tree were on and I used flash so the color didn't  come out the way I wanted it to.  I shut off the lights from the tree, but still used flash, which allowed me to capture the orderment in more focus, without the lights burring out the picutre.  I like how you can see the sparkles on the orderment and all the details on it.  The center of it is in focus and the branches act as arrows, centering the orderment in the picture.  


carolinemcgrath said...
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Unknown said...

I like the difference in the colors in this photograph. It is very Christmas-y and festive! I don't like how the bottom part of the ribbon is cut out of the picture by the branch.

Unknown said...

i really like this photo because of the contrast in colors but if i could change 1 thing i would get rid of the lights because they are distracting