Monday, December 5


I took this picture two weeks ago when i was walking down through the Ashland by myself. i was useing a wide angle lens with a polarizer in front of it. the main color in this picture is blue, so makes it looks very peaceful. the only thing i do not like in this picture is the branches on the left. i tried to make it out of the picture but i can not find a better place to put my camera stand. info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F8.0 1/80s ISO200 -0.7EV.


Millie Bache said...

This photo is a very good winter shot. Even without a frozen lake or snow, the dim lighting and the bare trees still gives the viewer a sense of icy cold winter.

Elizabeth Austin said...

This picture is a really good visual to tranquiliy. The image is crisp and clear and the water looks very nice glassy.