The moon was so full the other night. I LOVED haven's picture previously and figured this full moon was a good opportunity to try and take picures, so thank you for the inspiration :). The second picture was taken at 1/400 shutter speed and zoomed in a ton, but focused on the branches. The first was taken at 1/200 of a second. The first is focused on the moon only and you can see craters.
oh my god katie! these are fantastic! I can never get a good shot of the moon. This is just, wow. I guess the only thing i could recommend is maybe next time get more of the tree in focus to give it a spooky feel. but honestly, this is fantastic!
These pictures are amazing. I love how you posted the multiple shots and how each is way different than the other one. I really like the silhouette of the branches and depth of field in the second picture.
Katie I tried to capture that too but i was driving so all of mine came out blurry haha=( but I am glad someone did! Especially the first picture it looks HUGE
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