While its not the best photo, I liked the contrast bewtween the white lampshade and the dark stand and backround on the left. The AC in the back is distracting, and I wish a little more of the lamp stand was in photo but then there would be more of the AC.
I really like this picture. Changing it to black and white made it more interesting than it would have been in color. I like that the lamp shade looks almost like its floating in mid air.
From my angle (far below the computer screen) I can't even see the AC until I look at the big version of the picture, so maybe darkening it would help get rid of that, although it might ruin the bright pop of the lampshade.
this reminds me of david lynch's Eraserhead-cinematography by frederick elmes, asc--the lighting is creepy and eerie and very provacative--makes me feel like im in a grudngey doctors office
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