Saturday, September 29

Duchaney_Color: Skin and Nails

This is one of the photos I took for the Color project. I played with the idea that the title could represent both the different skin tones and the bright rainbow colors of their nails. In order from darkest to lightest skin tones, my models were Anna Odogwu, Suzie Coldwell, Lila Reichart, Clara Barbieri, Jenny Lee, and Tina Russell. I took this in the Biology lab at Marian using the available light coming in from the windows. I forget whether or not the lights were on in the room. When I first took this, it was actually one of my least favorite photos because their arms weren't completely over the white background and I thought it would be difficult to crop out the distracting floor, foot, skirt, and shoulder in the background. But once the distractions were gone, I loved the movement in how their hands as a whole curved. Their hands get closer to one another the closer they get to the top of the photo, and the light gets brighter as their skin also happens to get lighter.

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