Monday, January 7

New York_Cha

This is the picture I took when I went to New York City during Christmas vacation. I took this picture at night. The reason why I love to take picture at night are first, the light in the darkness makes the picture in more romantic mood, and second, if I take picture at night, unnecessary objects are covered naturally by darkness. This is the picture of "Madame Tussaud's." I like the picture beside way too much exposures at the each lighting objects in the picture.


Amanda Garner said...

This is an interesting photograph. I like the way it is angled looking upward at an angle. It is extremely colorful and well balanced. It is the perfect type of travel photography or a city scape.

Unknown said...

I really like how this picture is at night but you can still see everything clearly. I feel like it really shows how awake the city is at night in New York because you have big signs and giant lights all around you, and all the cars and people up and about.