Monday, January 2

Austin_still life

This is a photo I took of City Hall in Marlborough. The sun was starting to go down. I like how the building looks like a silhouette against the sky but you can still see some of the details. I also like how the sky goes from darker and more blue at the top of the image then lighter and more washed out at the bottom of the picture. - taken outdoors, natural light.


Trevor H. said...

The angles in the picture are great as the tower is going up along the photo. With just enough lighting, one can see the details on the clock and how it looks with the hands not moving. Being a photo of a clock, one will usually get the feeling of time stopping and as the sun goes down, this shows the time of day in two ways. The idea and angle of the photo is great but the only thing is that you can see the fenced area on the roof. The heater or air conditioning system kind of ruins the gothic style of the building.

Jerry chen said...

I think the main object in this picture is a little dark, cannot really see the details on it.try to shoot it in frontlighting will be a better picture