Friday, October 24

Dog Days

This was taken around 3pm. I was just playing outside with my cousins and they put my dog in the baby swing. I thought it was cute so I took a few pictures of it. I chose this one to put up b/c I like that she is looking up at the camera.


Jaclyn said...
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Jaclyn said...

This picture of Ali is adorable! I like the fact she's actually looking at you in the picture while she's up high in a swing, it kind of adds to the picture. i just wish you you see her eyes a little bit more.

Jinny said...

The dog is so pretty! I like the dog looks at camara. If you want to take better, then you need to make highlight in his eyes.

siobhan mangan said...

this picture has really really great composition and focus, plus the colors are really good too.
Maybe finding a way to highlight the dogs eyes a bit more would add to the picture, but this is super good.

MeghanFarrell said...

I really love this picture. The dog is adorable and I like how it is actually looking at the camera. I have two kittens and it is pretty much impossible for me to get a picture of them looking at the camera.