Sunday, January 5


I took this image over Christmas Vacation. I used my Nikon to take the image. My favorite part of the photo, the two tourists. Too me the tourists give the image even more character. This image was taken near Fenway Park in Boston. The tourists add life to the photo. As you can see, there is not a lot of action going on in the photo, so the tourists really give it a nice touch. I like how one side of the road has more cars than the other. Something that I also like, are the buildings in the back and on the side of the photo. These are old and outdated buildings compared to the buildings just a few streets away. Some things that could be changed, to the left of the image there is a yellow loading-dock for trucks, this could be removed it's a little distracting. The last thing that I think could be changed the water puddles at the bottom right of the photo.

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