Sunday, January 5

Teddy_Misc BMW Z8

I took this photo after when I came back from seeing a movie. The car in this picture is a BMW Z8 it was one of the cars used in the Pierce Brosnan James Bond movie "The World is Not Enough". I took this photo a few minutes before the sun was going to set. I like it how the sun setting on the top of the roof of the car and how the light is casting on the hood of the car. This makes the photo very interesting to the viewer. Most of the background is out of focus and can give the photo a bit more of an interesting look to it. The only thing I wish I could have changed would have been to wait for the person to walk by who can be seen in the rear window of the yellow car on the left side of the photo. The other thing I wish I could have changed would have been the to not have the reflections from the front right side of the Z8 it does make it a little bit distracting. Other than that I thought it was an overall great photo that I took of the car.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a very creative photo you took. This is one of my favorite car companies so I really like this photo. When I first clicked on the photo the first thing I noticed was the reflective black paint. This really struck out to me. I can clearly see the clear paint and the magnificent reflection in the behind the car. Something that I also really like is how the tire is turned in the parking spot. This looks exactly like the photo shoots in the car magazines, how they have the tire turned to one side, this makes me even more interested in your photo. The one thing that you could have changed which you stated in your description of the photo is that yellow car on the left side of the photo. I think if you took the photo on the other side, it would have been just as amazing as this one. Great job very talented photographer that has good taste in cars.