Sunday, March 25

Sunset_Ricky Xiang

I took this photo of sunset at the seaside, and there are many layers in this photo, which give this photo more elements.


Millie Bache said...

This is so pretty, this picture is very well done. I like how the water is a very vibrant blue and how you can only see define parts of the sun from the few lines of light reflecting off of the house. This picture has great flow to it, good job.

Jules said...

I really like this photo! It has awesome flow, the bridge is leading right to the sunset and I think that makes it more interesting. It also has great focus. Plus the houses and the water still have great detail but do not distract from the main focus.

Jimin Chun said...

I think this is good photo. it has great focus and the the water is great movement and nice detail.

ben rabinowitz said...

This is a really great scenery photo. I like the sun setting in the background, and I like how your eye is drawn to the flow of the docks.

Tianli Wang said...

I think it is really a good photo, the composition of the picture follow the golden rule, and it add the quality of the picture. But I think the sky in the picture is a little bit over exposure so the sky lose it color, and the dark part is under exposure. If I were you, I will shoot it as a cucoloris.

Jerry chen said...

I love this picture, because the composition of this picture is very good. and the sun set brings some great color in this picture

Yulu Liu said...

This is so peaceful and pretty, i really love this one. It has very good focus on the picture.