Sunday, March 25


I took this picture in chicago. I like the shadow of the tree and the flowers had good lights.


Millie Bache said...

I love this picture. It is very well done. I like that it was taken far back so that the full essence of the tree. The only thing I would have changed was gotten a bit closer to define the subject.

Elizabeth Austin said...

I love the trees and the building in this photo. It really captured the look of spring. The person in the photo reaching up to the tree is a nice touch.

ben rabinowitz said...

This is a good picture with alot of detail in it. The flowers on the tree and the white peatals on the ground really stand out against the background of the building.

Jimin Chun said...

Thanks guys for the comments. Mille if i would have the chance that take the same picture i will try to got to a bit closer to define the subject. Anyway thank you for your comments y'all.