Tuesday, February 28

Chen_ PPT

Those pictures were took in LA. The first picture i took is a guy singing on the beach, the second picture is a mother helping her kids look through the telecope, the third picture is a group of Chinese travellers taking pictures together.


Elizabeth Austin said...

The picture of the singing man is great. You got him at the perfect angle. The lighting and everything about this picture is really good, and you can really tell how happy the person is.

Jules said...

All three of these picture are great! The sign in the background of the 1st one is a little distracting. In the 2nd one I like the composition of the woman and her son. The boy is a little over exposed but overall it is a good photo. The third one is my favorite. It has vibrant colors and good emotion.

Jimin Chun said...

these three pictures are great. the focus of the main subject and the movement of the shadow is clear. The lighting is the great too.

Ricky Xiang said...

i love the last one, not only the person's emotion is very interesting but also the color of the photo. This Photo manifest a feeling of happiness, and a feeling of exciting. Great Catch!!!!

Yulu Liu said...

I really love these three pictures, especially the singing man. And others have very good force and emotion.

ben rabinowitz said...

I like the photo of the man playing the drum. The bright colors really stand out against his white outfit. The lighting in this photo is great too.