Monday, February 27

chen_ seagull

I took this picture in LA, I like this picture because its get really close up to the bird and we also can see the seagull's face. it also get really good lighting in here. info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm/F4.5-5.6] F8 1/800s ISO200


Elizabeth Austin said...

This seagull picture is very good. The way the bird's feathers ruffle in the wind add something to the birds picture. The entire picture is in focus with good lighting and the back round of the water contrasts well with the seagull.

Clara said...

This is a great photo because the focus is really crisp and the colors compliment each other well. Also the bird kind of follows the rule of thirds and it has good flow to the seagull.

Tianli Wang said...

This is a great picture of seagull. The seagull is in clear focus and the bakeground is blur out, it make the key point of this picture stand out. The lighting of the picture is also very good, and the composition of the picture is really good.