Sunday, May 11


This is a picture of a beach when i was in sanibel island, florida. I love the contrast between all of the seashells and the sand and how it pops. I also like how the ocean has such  great color and how it contrasts with the sky. i like how its kind of in the middle if the wave crashing on the sea shore. The thing i like most about this picture is the seaweed across the shore. I like it because it curves around the beach which makes it very interesting to look at, i also like how its so rich in color also. The only thing i dont like about this photo is the people down further on the beach, i think its a bit distracting. I also dont like the kite in the sky.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the variety of color in this photo. I like the variety of blue, pink, greens, and white in this photo. I really like the action with the waves just seconds before they are crashing against the shore. I like the effect with a cloudy day over the ocean because it makes this photo add more variety of color and contrast to this photo. I like the effect with the excessive amount of shells in this photo because it makes this photo appealing to look at. If I was to critique this photo I would change the framing more to left just a little bit. I would also straighten the horizon line because I think if the horizon line was straight your photo would look interesting with the effect of the beach. I also would have cropped the photo, because you can see a group of people in the distance of the photo and the soaring kite might take away the quality of the shot. I really like the high photo quality of your photo. Nice job, keep it up.