Sunday, March 17


I took this photograph on Saturday morning.  I think it looks very cool and interesting. What I did to manipulate the photograph was I removed plastic lenses from the 3D glasses that are given at the movie theater.  Then, I over lapped the two lenses and it created a mix of colors. I like the way it looks and the trees in the background


Unknown said...

I love this photograph! Using the 3D lenses to overlap the camera's lenses was clever and creative. I love the colorful glow coming from the sunshine shining through the window. I also agree with you on how great the tree looks throuh the window.

MorganMacDougall said...

What I like about this photo is how you found such a creative way to manipulate the photo without editing it. Instead of just taking a photo of your window, you found a way to make it interesting, colorful, and fun to look at.

Millie Bache said...

I love this photo. It was very creative. The mix of colors certainly draws the viewer in. This photo is very impressive. Keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I like how the photograph turned out! I want to try to take pictures of a different objects using this affect. I have not tried using the 3D lenses outside so I will do that next.