Sunday, March 17


I took this photo yesterday while working at a concession stand for a soccer tournament in Ashland. I did not have my camera, unfortunately, so I had to use my iPhone. It was an overcast day so the top left corner of the photo is quite overexposed. But I like how the light shows through the bottles to give them some depth instead of them looking so flat. What I would change would be the overexposed sky and maybe take a similar photo at a different time of day or when there was better weather. Also, I find it distracting that not all the labels are facing the same way. Finally, there are some trees in the background on the left side of the photo that I wish were not there, but this was the photo that I took with the least amount of trees showing. Since it was such a bright day, I didn't notice many of these distractions because I could not see my phone screen properly. I will try to keep my camera with me more often in the future.


carolinemcgrath said...

I like this photo because you took the time to organize all the gatorades in color order. I also like that you choose to take the picture outdoors on a sunny day. The bright lighting helps make the bright colors more vibrant. If I were you I would have taken the picture at an angle so you could see more of the gatorades that weren't blue.

Flavia said...

I really like this photo and the position you put the camera in. I also like how you organized the gatorade color in a rainbow. The sun is beaming through the gatorade bottles which really emphasizes the colors.

Unknown said...

I really like this photo because it was taken at a unique angel and I can tell you put a lot of effort into this photo and setting all the gatorades up. I like how they get smaller as they go down the line because of the angle of your camera it makes it very unique and interesting

MorganMacDougall said...

Thanks! I agree that there should be more of the red and orange Gatorades showing to balance the colors.