Sunday, March 17


 I took this photo at the New Bedford Half Marathon with my phone and only using the light available. This was the leader in the race. Although I was using my IPhone camera, I believe that the action shot turned out better than it would have on my other camera. I liked that the runner was to the side of the photo and not directly in the center. I also liked bright blue sky in the background and how it brings out the color in the runner's shirt.


Unknown said...

I think the clarity of the photo is very good, especially for an action shot using a phone. However, I think the photo could have been improved if you had caught the runner heading into the photo rather than heading out. The eye follows his direction off the page rather than onto the rest of the photo.

Megan Bubello said...

I have to disagree Jeanine, I actually liked that he was heading out of the photo. I think it made the photo more unique. Also, the runner was so fast that I had to take the photo as quick as possible. I am just glad that I cought in such clear focus and that he was not just at the center of the photo. Thanks for the comment!