Sunday, March 17

Dilbarian_ tree bark

I chose this photo because when you first look at the photo  it is kind of hard to understand what is in clear focus.  Then your eyes travel towards the back of the photo where it is a little overexposed and extremely blurry.  once you realize that the blurry figures are trees, you also realize that what you are looking at is the bark of a tree.  I love the highlights of the setting sun on the crevices and cresses in the bark I also like the shadows casted on the bark and how there is a little bit of color with the green of the trees in the background.  Lastly, I love the small flares casted in the shot and how it has such a shallow depth of field.  If I were to change this photo, i would try to not have the background to be less over exposed and maybe back up to get more with in the frame.


Unknown said...

I love the effect of the sunloght on this photograph, and I also like how the focus point is in good focus and the background in sort of blurred out. I like how u zoomed in on the tree instead and put it at the side of the photo instead of shooting the whole tree and placing it in the middle.

Flavia said...

I love this picture and how detailed the tree bark is. I love how the sun is so bright on the tree and you can see each ray of sunlight. I also like how the background is blurry.

Unknown said...

i agree with the fact that the angle is more interesting that it is the side of the tree rather than the whole thing. I also Agree that having the background blurred out focuses more onto the details in the bark.