Sunday, March 17


I took this photo in my dinning room. The chandelier was on the ceiling  so i took it in a different that it is slightly bent...then straight. I took it both in black and white so that you guys can compare which of them is better. I thought it looked better in colored photo because you can see a little bit of shadow in the picture.


Unknown said...

I do agree that I like the angle the photos were taken at. I think the black and white looks nice towards the top where there is a lot of contrast between the shadows and reflections, but I think the effect gets a little lost around the oveexposed areas around the bulbs.

Unknown said...

I do agree with you Jeanine, the lights in the bulb are overexposed. I also liked the shadows too, i preferred the blcak and white photo best but i knew i had to post both picture so that everyone can compare the photos.