Sunday, March 16

Alex_Vintage 50s Watch

I decided to choose these photos for my post this sunday because I liked the idea of this 1950s watch my uncle had. It was a hard decision which was the best photo so I chose one photo out of 80 photos. I like in the original photo above has a variety of color of red, gold, yellow, tan, and brown. The original photo above, I really like it, because the angle of this photo reminds me of a photo you would see in a watch magazine. I like that the watch is the object projected by sunlight, and the sparkle on the edge of the watch. I also like the framing to this photo because it makes this photo look interesting. I like it how the dial of the watch is in perfect focus and the background really isn't in perfect focus. I think the effect with the shadows around the watch makes the photo appear with an interesting pattern,  and design. I think with the slight overexposure to the original photo it makes the watch have a gold-like effect to the photo. I also like the texture of the wooden floor around the watch because it makes this photo look interesting and not boring to look at, instead of staring at a watch with no patterns, or color. I edited the original photo from above and rotated it a little bit. I rotated the watch angle by a little bit, and I cropped it a little bit as well. I also rotated the angle of the shadow on the right of the watch as well to make the photo look a bit different than the original photo above to change the impression of the photo. I decided to desaturate the bottom photo because I think it makes the lighting of the watch have different point of view, and it really makes the aspect of the photo look really interesting. I also like the intense shadow of the watch because it makes my photo look really interesting to look at. I also moved the position framing to the bottom photo because I wanted to see if the watch would have a different appearance in the edited version. I think both the original and the edited photos are interesting. I took this inside, without flash, slow iso speed, natural lighting, auto white balance, manual focus adjustments, and macro. I wish the original photo wasn't too overexposed on the left side of the dial of the watch because it makes the photo look a little bit degraded of color.


Unknown said...

I really like this photo Alex!! I think both of the photos look great but if i was to just chose one i would choose the black and white one. i like this one better because even though it doesn't have any color in it it still shows much detail and light throughout the picture. First of all i really like the watch personally because i like old watches like that. Also i really like how you used the floor to take the picture. I like that because you went with the grain of the wood by putting it parallel to them.I also really like the sunshine shining from the left corner and reflecting a little bit off the watch face and the leather of the strap. I like how it is in such great focus that you can see small dust particles, which i think give it age and more intrist to the photo.Overall Alex i think you did a great job on this picture!!

Unknown said...

I also really like these photos as well. I like the composition and the lighting of both. I also like the angle the watch is at and the way it cuts into the corner of the frame. I agree with Brendan and i do like the saturated photo but i like the first photo as well because there is more of the watch in the photo. The only thing i would change about the second photo is I wouldn't have cropped it just so there is less negative space and more focus on the face of the watch. also, by leaving the band of the watch, it will catch your eyes and draw them into the focus, which is the face of the watch. Overall I really like this photo. Good Job!!!