Sunday, January 20


I took this picture outside of Marian by the garage. I use it for my portraits 1,2,3 project. I like that Jack isn't in the center of the photo because, I think it looks more interesting than a typical portrait. There was someone standing next to him at the time the picture was taken. You can see their shadow in the right hand corner. I wish I had noticed this earlier.


Unknown said...

I really like this photo and how its divided into distinct blocks of either brick or blue. i think i would have moved the camera to the right so he fills two- thirds of the space rather than half. i also would have cropped it down a little so there isnt as much empty space above his head.

Unknown said...

I like the way he is set not completely in the middle. The blue of the door pops out and looks really nice. The shadows around him are interesting, but they distract a little from him.