Saturday, March 8

Formal Portraits

these are my three formal portraits. i like the first one alot because of how it looks in black and white, and because of the different tones of black white and gray. i like the second one because of the lighting effects on the dress. the light hitting off the sparkels on the dress really adds to the photo. for the third photo i like the pose, the shine on the dress, and the shaddows.


Vanessa O said...

The first picture is very different and unique. I like the messy hair appearance especially in black and white, The collar necklace, and the heavy application of black mascara and eyeliner gives Ally a rough look. It looks very punkish and well planned out. The lighting is very good.

I also like the second picture of Molly because of how the right side of the photo is busy and the left side does not have anyting going on. The hardwood floor is a nice uniform platform and Molly's clothing, hair and expression make her look like a guilty fairy out of a fairytale.

siobhan mangan said...

My favorite one woul definatly have to be Allison's picture. I think her eye makeup/hair/collar tie together so well in the picture, and black and white was definatly the right choice for the photo.
The lighting in tyhe picture is really nice.
I'm not quite sure, but if you used flash, it definatly worked to your advantage. The darker background makes the atmosphere of the picture even better.

KGattozzi said...

I really like the lighting, composition and the theme of the first one. I also like the last photo because of the angles you took it in and also how she looks like she is about to attack my computer screen. =D

EmIde said...

I really like all of tese pictures. The are all very unique and there's nothing to distract from the focus of the photo. The lighting is good in all of them, you can see details very clearly. great job!