This photo is meant to mean from many petals comes one flower.
Welcome to the Marian High School Photography Class photoblog. It is here where we are able to share images, ideas and well-intentioned critiques. Post when asked, post when able, post when inspired. Always have your camera on and your mind open! Keep smiling! Don't borrow/copy images without asking first - Thanks!
I love this picture. The color and flawless petals are so vibrant and captivating, especially the highlights in the dew on the petals. I like how there is no bacground to distract the viewer from the flower; this way the viewer can concentrate on just the petals making up that one flower.
the lighting, shawdowing, and complexion of this flower is great. the picture came out great!
this is so pretty. the colour &lighting are beautiful &i love the rain drops on the flower.
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